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Shy Wolf Sanctuary

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P.O. Box 3032
Naples, Florida 34106


Contact Person:
Deanna Deppen

By Appointment Only

Shy Wolf Sanctuary - Welcome
"From the heart, for the animals"
We would like to tell you about the Shy Wolf Sanctuary.  An exciting variety of animals coexist at the Shy Wolf Sanctuary, Education and Experience Center, Inc. Shy Wolf is licensed by both state and federal entities and is inspected on a regular basis. The Center began with Moondance, the Black Asian Leopard back in 1993. Today Shy Wolf is now is a refuge for a Jaguar-Leopard cross, several Cougars, numerous Wolves and Wolf-Hybrids.

The rescued also include a pair of Coyotes, Sugar Gliders, Fennec Foxes, three Prairie Dogs and even a Florida Gopher Tortoise named Sara. (In fact, this is one of the few places permitted to care for the threatened Florida Gopher Tortoise.) Even those not so exotic find their way to Shy Wolf Sanctuary. Scooter, Turbo and Miss Chatty cat have found a home here. Nancy Smith has been offering sanctuary and a home to exotic, stray and injured animals for over nine years.

The expense of caring for these animals has been carried by Nancy and her husband, Kent, with an occasional donation by visitors. Nancy, her husband, and a few volunteers over the years have built enclosures, cleaned and maintained the facility and helped with feeding the animals.

The year 2001 saw the formation of Shy Wolf Sanctuary, Education and Experience Center, Inc. a Florida Non Profit Incorporation. Shy Wolf is also recognized as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt corporation by the Internal Revenue Service. In November of 1999 Michael Kloman began volunteering here at Shy Wolf. It was not long after that he was mentioning "Shy Wolf Sanctuary" (a name given informally by Michael) at the local dog park, where he takes Nakipa, his wolf/dog.

Michael took advantage of two local talk radio shows to bring Shy Wolf Sanctuary from being known by word of mouth to a broad radio market bringing more visitors to Shy Wolf Sanctuary. The spring of 2001 brought Deanna Deppen to Shy Wolf after meeting Michael and Nakipa at the local Pet Smart store. With her enthusiasm and connections she was able to get both local newspapers and the Local news out here to do a story along with a spot for us on a live TV morning news show! The year 2001 also brought cooperation between Federal Wolf/Dog Rescue of Tampa and Shy Wolf Sanctuary in the placement to two rescue animals.

We here at Shy Wolf Sanctuary look forward to the years ahead, and the continuing expansion of our educational programs. Working with local and state Animal control officials, schools, visitors of Shy Wolf Sanctuary and outings at local public events, we hope to bring the plight of both domesticated and wild animals to a larger audience.

A large part of the focus of Shy Wolf Sanctuary's mission is the continuing education of the public about breeders who misrepresent and sell animals unscrupulously only to have the animal dead or at a rescue. With an eye towards a healthy environment and the unfortunate destruction of wildlife habitat, Shy Wolf Sanctuary has taken part in local Earth Day events to help bring about a better understanding of the small world we live in. Together, we all can make a difference.

Shy Wolf Sanctuary - Tours & Educational Programs
Small Private Tours as well as larger Group Tours may be arranged for a one-of-a-kind experience. Many of the animals that reside at Shy Wolf Sanctuary, Education and Experience Center, Inc., are very friendly and interact well with our visitors.

You can visit with the coyotes, sit with cougars, or experience one of the wolves up close and personal...just be careful if you have a hat! For those animals that you can't get as close to, there are many picture-taking opportunities as well as the joy of watching them interact with each other.

In addition to Guided Tours, we have been known to host an occasional party or event. Just tell us what you have in mind and we will let you know if it can be done. Remember, the safety and well-being of the animals is our ultimate obligation. Educational visits can be arranged at our facility or at schools and other locations. Some of our animals can travel and be ambassadors to help educate and make people aware of how important it is to protect all species.

Shy Wolf Sanctuary - Volunteer Information
Shy Wolf Sanctuary is open for volunteers, adults and teenagers, six days a week. As Shy Wolf is non profit corporation, high school students and others can volunteer here for their required community service hours. We encourage you, while helping out in the daily chores, to interact with the residents here. Shy Wolf's philosophy is that both the animals and our volunteers benefit from these unique opportunities.

As you can imagine even a facility as small as Shy Wolf takes a great deal of effort to maintain a healthy and safe environment. Daily cleaning of just the wolf enclosures is about an hour's time, add to it the big cats and the coyotes and you have at least 45 minutes more. Even the animals require some routine daily care. Twice a week we apply a fly repellent for the biting flies. Brushing regularly to remove loose hair and dirt helps to maintain a healthy coat. Once a week we trim the weeds and grass from under the electric wire. Any holes dug near the fences are filled in the same day. You can add to this list anything else that pops up unexpectedly.

eeding time here can be a real treat. The whole sanctuary comes alive when all can hear the preparation of the evening's meal. Every animal receives an individually prepared meal. The female cougars prefer just the drumsticks while the rest of the cats will eat the leg quarters whole. Some of the wolves and wolf hybrids will eat the whole quarter, some will eat the quarter cut up, while others prefer the backs or thighs only. (cut up small please) Not all of the wolves or wolf hybrids will eat dog food, but "little Patch" the cougar does! Due to different eating habits many are fed separately to allow slower eaters to get their share. Heck, we even hand feed some. Many of our littlest residents enjoy fruits, vegetables, nuts and meal worms prepared nightly. All this with loving care and the best for the animal in mind.

As Shy Wolf Sanctuary grows so does the need for other types of volunteering. There are opportunities for some inside and office type work to be done. We would like to be able to attend outside functions such as school presentations and civic activities. Volunteers to help to transport and attend as representatives of Shy Wolf would find this to be a great option to the "physical" labor involved outside. New email addresses are in need of being added for the news letters as well some light office filing. Even making calls on behalf of Shy Wolf for donations of materials or writing grants is all very important here to help keep Shy Wolf Sanctuary up and running.

Public relations is extremely important to us as if we did not give tours half of our purpose here would not be fulfilled. If you have an idea for a fund raiser please feel free to talk to us. As you may know, Shy Wolf Sanctuary Education and Experience Center does not solicit donations outside stores. We would rather they come here and "experience" Shy Wolf and donate as their heart leads them. It seems to us more like earning their respect for our work and cause. Spread the word to your family and friends, invite them all out for a one of a kind Experience here at Shy Wolf Sanctuary, Education and Experience Center Inc.! As always we here are open to suggestions. Please give us a call at 455-1698 and talk with us.

If you are interested in volunteering please use the following links to print the forms necessary. All volunteers are asked to have the medical release form, the volunteer release form and the photo release form filled out for their first visit. It is important that the medical and volunteer releases be notarized. There is not a traditional spot for the notary, so please have them sign on the witness line and stamp nearby. Please note the minor's release form for your children if you wish for them to participate with you.

Shy Wolf Sanctuary - Donations
We would like to thank all of you who have donated a part of yourself by helping with this worthwhile ongoing project. It is all important. From the giving of your time cleaning and maintaining the enclosures, to helping build new compounds and shelters. For even those who take advantage of what is offered here by just spending time getting to know these beautiful animals, we are grateful. It all makes a difference.

Every donation, whether it be your time, materials, supplies or monitory gifts, helps us to help Shy Wolf Sanctuary. Please, for those who can visit, do. We would rather you visit us here and experience Shy Wolf, and then give as you see fit. For those who cannot visit us at this time and consider Shy Wolf a worthy cause, please take a moment and print this page. Send it along with your donation to the above address. All donations are tax deductible, please consult your tax advisor. I want to thank you, Shy Wolf thanks you, and most of all, the animals thank you, and remember if you and your family are looking for fun Naples Florida Activities for the kids, come visit us.

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